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- Authors
- Name
- Jenn Tillman, Poly
- @polymathical_
To Begin you must Start
I’ve called myself a writer for a long time, but I haven’t written much I feel safe enough to share. And I’m tired of not sharing. For years I’ve been the kind of person that has wanted to do something but was too afraid to start. But all growth requires that I start somewhere. So unfortunately for my anxious self, I have to start writing, and I have to be alright with making mistakes, failing, and struggling to move forward at all.
In 2018, I started streaming; it was the first time I actually started to do what I love without fear. Trauma from my experiences in streaming communities reset that progress. Now after distancing myself from that, I have to build up the courage just to start all over again. But I’ve done it. Now I’m not only ready to continue streaming but to start writing and making more content.
I choose writing as my first big leap after streaming because it’s a fundamental skill that everything is built on top of. To create is to write: scripts, stories, research, analyses, persuasion and more. Everything I want to do needs me to write well first. As a child, I wrote silly underdeveloped short stories for my teachers and few friends I had to read. Now I want to take it more seriously without fear that my disabilities will make it too hard. Mistakes are inevitable, but I’m learning and won’t be afraid to to show all aspects of the process.
All growth requires that I start somewhere.